Hans Hartung - Estampes / Druckgraphik

Hans Hartung

Catalog published at the occasion of the exhibition "Vom Esprit der Gesten. Hans Hartung. Das Informel une die Folgen" (30 juill. - 10 oct. 2010) at the Kupfersrichkabinett, Berlin, "Hans Hartung. Estampes" (12 oct. 2010 - 16 janv. 2011) at the BNF, Paris and "Hans Hartung. Estampes" (23 juin - 25 sept. 2011), at the Musées d'art et d'Histoire, Genève.

Published by the BNF, 2010

Texts by Céline Chicha-Castex, Geneviève Laplanche, Christian Rümelin and Andreas Schalhorn

Texts in french and german

271 pages

31 x 35 cm

Clothbound, dustcover
ISBN :9782717724585
ISBN 9782717724585

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